Thursday, April 18, 2019

Reflecting on How Practicing Mindfulness & Yoga Helps Us In Our Everyday Lives & Supports Our Ability To Make This World A Better Place! #SaySomethingSweepstakes @peterhreynolds @Scholastic @resvt #Mindfulness #BeKind #Yoga #TakeActionToMakeThingsBetter #VTED

Everyday we practice mindfulness and yoga.  We took time to reflect on how it has helped us in our everyday lives.  Students shared how they have begun to practice mindfulness at home, and how this practice makes us kinder, happier, more confident people.
We created a mural that captures the lessons we have learned and the words we live by.  How can you say something and do something to make this world a better place?!?!

Link to Video:
Thank you to Sara Bareilles for the perfect song, "Brave"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Gathering Together To Watch A Creative Odyssey Of The Mind Skit About Inclusion & Celebrating Diversity!

This team's skit was incredibly thoughtful and creative!  We felt so lucky to see their ideas, hard work, and collaboration come to life!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

We Spent Time With Jane Goodall Today! It Was So Amazing To Hear Her Speak And Think About How We Too Can Make A Difference! @JaneGoodallInst @resvt @SkypeClassroom @vtkteach @kkidsinvt @RootsandShoots

Mr. Carini (A.K.A Mr. Magic) helping us get set up to "meet" Dr. Jane Goodall!  
We were soooo excited!!

Dr. Jane taught us how to speak to chimpanzees.  We loved giving it a try!

We felt so lucky to join kids from all around the world to learn from Dr. Jane about her work and how we too can make a difference!

You can learn more about her work at:

And kids can learn more about how they too can make a positive impact at:

We Had So Much Fun Celebrating Our Friend's Hard Work & Success At The GeoBee!!! @resvt @NatGeo @NatGeoEducation #VermontGeoBee @DennisDelayEDU @chussey02

Thank you to everyone who brought in treats to make our celebration even more special!!!