Tuesday, June 20, 2017

RES READS Comes To An End! @RESVT @MichaelBerryEDU

What an incredible way to end the year!  We asked that every kid read for at least 20 minutes for two weeks during RES Reads, if everyone did that, we would reach our goal!  You can see that kids read passionately and well surpassed their goal!!!!  Please continue to nurture their love of reading by reading with them over the summer!  Kids can begin by reading the RES Reads book they got to keep forever!
Again, all of this was possible because of my friend Bill Jennings and "The Cheryl Jennings Reading Programs"!
Have a great summer and read, read, read!!!   

You can see kids reacting to the total minutes read with great pride in the photos below.  You can also see the awesome new books kids got to read and choose to keep forever!

The vlog captures when our box of RES Reads books came in!  We were sooooo excited!!!

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