Monday, January 18, 2021

Our Class Is Always Thinking About How We Can Spread Love And Make This World A Better, More Loving Place!

On Friday, the day I had planned didn't quite happen.  Students have been so moved by the work of Martin Luther King they felt the need to spread love and march on Friday.  So we changed our plan for the day, we took time to make posters, we invited the school to join us, and we marched to spread our words of love, acceptance, and our need for equality.  Here is a video of our process.  I am so deeply proud of our amazing kids!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This made my heart so happy to watch. Your young voices are so important to make change in our town, state, nation and world. Keep speaking up for what you believe in. You will be amazed how your message of will inspire others!
